Success of "Mathe im Advent"

The Mathe im Advent project has been able to change the public image of mathematics and give visibility to German Mathematical Society as the main interest group for mathematics in Germany. In recent years, over 170,000 students have been playing annually. Adding to this, around 9,000 teachers have registered their classes each year, just as many people played as "just-for-fun"-players.

Feedback from students, teachers and parents shows, that our specially developed didactical concept of the puzzles works for all types of students. Kids who are at odds with maths gain new motivation and confidence. At the same time it serves as enrichment for talented students. Each year, more than 50% of participating children are girls. The common question "What do I need it for?" is no longer an issue.

By participating in the class competition, kids learn to communicate mathematics and argue logically consistent, as they have to convince others of their opinion. In the individual competition, families get heavily involved, when their youngsters try to win. With subtle irony in the puzzles, parents also have fun, developing (or reaffirming) a positive attitude towards maths themselves. This way, Mathe im Advent reaches wide into the public.

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